AI Mondays - UX/UI Patterns for AI

AI Mondays - UX/UI Patterns for AI

January 22, 2024

Who are we?

Ray intro worked at Apple for 12+ years and went from working at the Genius Bar to being in the studio with Jony Ives and being in the office with Tim Cook before presenting the Apple Watch.
Ronald Mannak

Rapid Fire

Ray to introduce what this is and what we are doing.
AI headlines that caught our eye. Early trends. Prototypes. Breaking News.
  • OpenAI plans to build chip factories

Trend for the week - UX/UI Patterns for AI

  • [Ray] Pinch to summarize

Hot Takes

Ray’s Take - data war the person who has access to personal devices that collect data will win AI
Ronald’s Take

Ronalds Quick Story

  • OpenAI Key Hacked
  • Promote SwiftUI server thing
  • Invite others to join in on your project